Clustering and Manifolds - Outlier Detection

Algorithm Features

  • No parameters to determine: All parameters -- Kernel-sigma, alpha and the number of clusters can be automatically determined.
  • Competitive results with existing methods such as K-Means and Spectral Clustering.
  • Assigning points to Clusters with respect to the underlying intrinsic structure of the data.
  • Outlier Detection: The method automatically determines outliers in the data set. This can lead to additional insights. In the paper we compare our method with Spectral Clustering.
  • Out-of-sample:New data-points can be assigned to an existing cluster model without rebuilding the model.
  • Successfully applied to real world data: handwritten digits (USPS), Yale Face Database B, Robot Data. The algorithm works well for image data that has an underlying intrinsic structure.

Outlier Detection on Yale Face-Database B
Outlier Detection with Yale Face Database B: PCA-projection of the photographs (1200 dimensional). The outliers the algorithm identified have been marked and are at the most outside points of the blobs.

To do...

  • Feature selection - If too much noisy features are present, the underlying intrinsic structure might not be found.
  • Scalable - The current method is slow though it's abilities for clustering should be applicable to practical Data Mining tasks.



The Matlab code from our paper is available here.


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2007 cluster icml 2005 clustering 2006 manifolds differential geometry outlier detection kernel unsupervised learning data mining