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Date | Abstract | Link / Source |
Sat Mar 2 2013 | Data mining offers rich seam The new digital economy's biggest resource is data. From Google's recording of internet search habits to Amazon's storing of credit card numbers, ... | From |
Sat Mar 2 2013 | Could data science turn the tide in the fight against cybercrime? RSA, the cyber security arm of US big data firm EMC, specialises in the use of advanced analytics and machine learning to predict and prevent online fraud. | From |
Sat Mar 2 2013 | Artificial intelligence scans for jobs The spider technology uses artificial intelligence to read the whole job advertisement and interpret it. The method avoided re-counting a job advertisement posted on different job boards. It also analysed jobs using protocols used by government. | From |
Sat Mar 2 2013 | Mass Bill to Ban Data Mining of Student Emails Massachusetts has become the first state to introduce legislation that would ban companies that provide cloud computing ser. | From |
Sat Mar 2 2013 | DataMining App Tracks People And Predicts Their Locations Melissa Block talks to Steve Henn about events in the world of high technology that are forecast to occur this week. Henn talks about a social data mining ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | Short Film Co-Written By Artificial Intelligence It's Suitably Hilarious Gizmodo Australia There are enough nonsensical and/or awful human-authored films out there to last anyone a lifetime. So what could a synthetic screenwriter add to the creative fold? Quite a lot, actually, including somehow in-context references to Robert Frost and ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | True Artificial Intelligence not so far away Scientists say we're closing in on what we see in the movies faster than we think. Scientists already have the ability to create a robot that looks like a human and learns in the same way. Scientist and Monash University professor, Kevin Korb, has ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | France Considers Tax On Data Mining Europeans, tired of U.S. tech companies profiting off their personal data without paying local taxes, look for new ways to ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | How Big Data Can Predict Your Divorce As our lives become more enmeshed in the digital playground, we reveal more information about ourselves than ever before in ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | How To Fill Big Data Talent Gaps Fast Data expertise is what's needed to take advantage of data mining, text mining, forecasting and machine learning techniques. Either way, let's start with the ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | Army's own data mining system fails test The Pentagon's top weapons tester has given a failing grade to the Army's premier battlefield intelligence processor, which troops in Afghanistan have ... | From |
Sun Feb 10 2013 | No data-mining on kids But since then, data-mining has grown more deft and unnoticed. Firms that cater to advertisers skip past privacy rules and build a much broader user profile based on screen-viewing habits. Video games, pop music, entertainment and sports sites can ... | From |
Fri Nov 30 2012 | Obama campaign's voter data crunching paid off Much has been made of the last type of data the tastes or trends that divide ··· campaign hiring notice for specialists inpredictive modelingdata mining ... | From |
Fri Nov 30 2012 | The Consequences of Machine Intelligence The Terminator movie trilogy, for example, featured Skynet, a self-aware artificial intelligence that served as the trilogy's main villain, battling humanity through its Terminator cyborgs. Among technologists, it is mostly "Singularitarians" who think ... | From |
Fri Nov 30 2012 | The dangers of data mining for votes The architects behind this year's presidential campaigns know far more about voters than ever before, thanks to the increasingly precise science of data mining. There are companies that compile and study a wealth of details about your personal life ... | From |
Fri Nov 30 2012 | Paging Dr Watson: Is Artificial Intelligence a Prescription for Healthcare? Health care in the United States certainly needs an overhaul. The question is whether that overhaul will come from artificially intelligent doctors. | From |
Tue Sep 18 2012 | Artificial Intelligence Powered by Many Humans Crowdsourcing can create an artificial chat partner that's smarter than Siri-style personal assistants. | From |
Tue Sep 18 2012 | Machine learning system can ID cities via pics Program mines Google Street View images to recognize Paris, but most U.S. cities just look the same. | From |
Tue Sep 18 2012 | Watson turns medic: Supercomputer to diagnose disease It is more than a year since Watson, IBM's famous supercomputer, opened a new frontier for artificial intelligence by beating human champions of the quiz show Jeopardy!. Now Watson is learning to use its language skills to help doctors diagnose patients. | From |
Tue Sep 18 2012 | Data mining of classic literature reveals hidden connections Statistics and data mining aren't typically associated with literary analysis, but new research suggests that such objective methods may be ... | From |
Tue Sep 18 2012 | Artificial Intelligence Gets Creative Powerful new computer programs are doing tasks once reserved for composers, writers and policy-makers. | From |
Tue Sep 18 2012 | How Algorithmically Created Content will Transform Publishing The key question is: Does algorithmic content creation that uses machine learning and automation have a role to play in content creation? The first impulse of most people like me, who have spent much of their careers writing for love and money, is to ... | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Is Machine Learning Losing Impact? I'm a PostDoc in machine learning at TU Berlin and ... | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Google feels like the cat's whiskers Google scientists presented an impressive paper at the international machine learning conference in Edinburgh, which demonstrated the company's ambitions in artificial intelligence as well as the strength of its computing resources. They built an ... | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Man or Machine? Ray Kurzweil discussed advances in artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, and what it will mean to be human after the year 2029. | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Ahead of his time, Turing's pardon is now long overdue UCD philosophy professor Dermot Moran considered whether his famous Turing Test of artificial intelligence could be accepted as a mark of true intelligence; Oxford mathematician (and frequent BBC science presenter) Prof Marcus du Sautoy looked at some ... | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Artificial intelligence becoming fantasy football reality UK researchers ready AI software system as Premier League soccer season nears. | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Computer Learns Board Games From Two-Minute Clips, Beats Humans Right After Like the computer antagonist, computer scientist Lukasz Kaiser's machine learning software (PDF) is capable of learning at accelerated speeds. Unlike everyone's favorite Cyberdine Systems mistake, this one doesn't need military-grade hardware--it just | From |
Sun Aug 5 2012 | Artificial intelligence app helps blind people A smartphone app is helping blind people navigate the world. | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | Data Mining CEO Says He Pays For Burgers In Cash To Avoid Junk Food Purchases being tracked A CEO who helps insurance companies analyze data to judge potential clients says he no longer uses his shopper loyalty card when buying junk food and pays | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | Will Data Mining Help Investigators Root Out Sources in Leak Investigations? Could the government use cell phone records and other digital fingerprints to find out who leaked classified information to journalists? | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | Computers' Reasoning Skills to Equal Humans by 2029 Artificial intelligence has progressed to the point where computers' reasoning powers should be indistinguishable from human brains by 2029, tech inventor Ray | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | How Google Is Teaching Computers to See It's a machine-learning problem made for this era of unstructured data and easy access to large computer clusters. Solving it could help the search giant make | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16000 Google scientists created one of the largest neural networks for machine learning by connecting 16000 computer processors, which they turned loose on | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | Analytics helps hospitals avoid billing losses Machine learning technology helps hospitals' clinical and administrative systems interoperate better, and bill more accurately. | From |
Tue Jun 26 2012 | Horrigan: America the Segmented Data-mining was invented: Find out what people buy and you discover their aspirations. Then sell to their aspirations. Do they drive SUVs or Priuses? Do they shop at Aldi or Whole Foods? Do they go to church, volunteer with the Girl Scouts or buy | From |
Sat Jun 9 2012 | Dulles Airport Adds A Virtual Assistant Named Paige At Customs Checkpoint Ariel, an "artificial intelligence life form" has been answering questions about "about Washington, DC and about life in general" since Jan. 1, 2005, when she was created by Cleveland Park resident Bill Adler. Ariel was designed "to answer questions ... | From |
Sat Jun 9 2012 | Beating A/B testing with 20 lines of code Finding the best interface choice and enticing banner ad relies on A/B testing by users. But machine learning can replace the focus groups with 20 lines of code. | From |
Sat Jun 9 2012 | What do publishers have against this hitech research? Researchers push for end to publishers' default ban on computer scanning of tens of thousands of papers to find links between genes and diseases. | From |
Sat Jun 9 2012 | Democrats Don't Drive Land Rovers and Other Big Data Correlations This new political industry, called nanotargeting, has the potential to help politicians and their campaigns identify and communicate with certain segments of voters . . . and as you'll see from the charts included in the article, all this data mining ... | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | Demographic Data Mining in Bars There's no shortage of websites and apps to find a bar tailored to what you're looking for: sports, dancing, outdoor space, pool ... | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | Google's Intelligence Is More Baboon Than Human If you want to know how the world's biggest artificial intelligence operation works, allow me to direct you to this study about baboons published this week in Science. I'm serious: Google's machine learning methods bear a familial resemblance to the ... | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | Google's Project Glass: You aint seen nothin' yet To have a wearable computer aware of its physical surroundings and present personalized information to the user requires artificial intelligence and machine-learning software in the background, noted Hard. It turns out Thrun, a Google fellow and member ... | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | Can computers have true artificial intelligence? Is it possible to create true artificial intelligence and, if so, how close are we to doing so, asks mathematician Professor Marcus du Sautoy. It was while I was making my last BBC TV series, The Code, that I bumped into a neuroscientist I knew. | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | Teaching Wikipedia to Write Itself The project has received financial backing from Google, Inc., the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Gordon Moore co-founded Intel and invented Moore's Law), and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence ... | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | Internet Obama Admin. Plans $200M USD "Big Data" Spending Spree The Obama administration plans to allocate $200M USD in funds from the federal budget towards improving data mining by various federal agencies. Dr. Holdren describes, "In the same way that past Federal investments in information-technology R&D led to ... | From |
Sat Apr 21 2012 | How Activist Data Mining Is Penetrating the Veil Around Syria Amid highly confusing death-toll reports, technology offers answers. | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | Scientists teach computers to assess psychiatric risk "Combining machine learning and neuroimaging, we have a technique which shows enormous potential to help us identify which adolescents are at true risk of developing anxiety and mood disorders, especially where there is limited clinical or genetic ... | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | Is Siri getting stupider? Using both voice recognition and artificial intelligence technologies, Siri is designed to respond to voice inquiries such as "what's the weather today" or "find me a well-rated Greek restaurant in Hoboken" and pull together the needed information to ... | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | New software may kill off recruitment jobs The recruitment industry may be headed for a major shakeup thanks to new software designed to automate job functions and make use artificial intelligence-based decision making, which may result in the loss of some recruitment roles. | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | Artificial intelligence project builds video games from scratch Santa's Snowfight Escape was created by an AI system called Angelina. Santa's trying to get to that mug of hot chocolate at the top. Her name is Angelina: she runs on a heavy-duty Mac server and she's ... | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | Chinese Drones Will Evolve New Sub Hunting Methods on the Fly ... according to a paper published in the journal Advanced Materials Research, the UAV's will use genetic algorithms to spot the subs faster. | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | "Big Data'" Got You Creeped-Out? Transparency Can Help A common theme has been how people get creeped-out when such data mining works as intended and a company or agency learns something personal that one did not divulge, maybe even something secret, maybe even a secret we keep from ourselves. | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | Target's creepy data-mining program predicts your future shopping In the New York Times, Charles Duhigg takes a creepy look at how Target mines its customer data to predict major life-changes, like pregnancy, so that they can send coupons that guide customers into thinking ... | From |
Sat Mar 24 2012 | Data mining for democracy The airwaves are full of the sounds of an election year. Millions of dollars were spent to buy advertisements in Florida. Stephen Colbert flooded South Carolina with Herman Cain ads. Across the country, Newt Gingrich attacks Mitt Romney; Romney attacks ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | Google's go-to AI guy sees phones getting much smarter If you're living in fear of the robot uprising, Peter Norvig, Google's director of research, has some bad news: artificial intelligence (AI) is already here. On the plus side, Norvig, who teaches AI at Stanford University and is the coauthor of ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | MIT chip models human brain synapse Forget artificial intelligence; researchers at MIT say they've figured out how to mimic the real deal. The goal is to replicate how the brain learns new tasks. To do that, an MIT group has created a 400-transistor ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | The Age of Big Data At the forefront are the rapidly advancing techniques of artificial intelligence like natural-language processing, pattern recognition and machine learning. Those artificial-intelligence technologies can be applied in many fields. | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | Thrun starts web-based university Computer science professor Sebastian Thrun announced the launch last month of his new online university, Udacity, inspired by the massive response to his Stanford course, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, which was open to ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | The science behind what makes a hit single ... a senior lecturer in artificial intelligence at the University of Bristol in England, discussed the group's research, which was presented in Spain in December at the MML 2011 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | The Parties' Data Mining Operations The RNC and DNC are getting into the data mining business. Will they trade sensitive, strategically valuable information for an influx of cash? The big story of this campaign season has ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | FBI Seeks Data-Mining App for Social Media Other features the FBI hopes its data-mining tool will have include the ability to automatically "search and scrape" social-networking and open-source news websites for information about breaking world events. It also wants to give users of the tool ... | From |
Sun Feb 12 2012 | Law School holds conference on self-driving cars ... may still be more common in science fiction than on local highways, but legal experts, transit planners -- and yes, insurance companies -- are beginning to grapple with the implications of vehicles that are steered by artificial intelligence. | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | Reinforcement learning in professional basketball players Reinforcement learning in complex natural environments is a challenging task because the agent should generalize from the outcomes of actions taken in one ... | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | Your Connected Vehicle Is Arriving Over the next 10 years, continued evolution in sensors, computing power, machine learning, and big-data analytics will bring us closer to the goals of zero ... | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | The Next Step for Lowering Law Firm Operating Expenses The past approach to this data mining has been one that has traditionally involved people manually scanning new matter reports and/or contacting partners and associates to inquire about one or more matters. With today's technology, law firms are now ... | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing Facing the physical limits of conventional design, researchers work to design a computing architecture that more closely resembles that of the brain. | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | Machine learning to predict presidential elections Shortly after the end of World War II, the British math prodigy Freeman Dyson and the Indian physics phenom Harish-Chandra... | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | Pop hit prediction algorithm mines 50 years of chart toppers for data Machine learning engineers from the University of Bristol think they might have the master equation to predicting the popularity of a song. The so-called Hit Potential Equation looks a little ... | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | IBM's Watson computer to aid Cedars-Sinai cancer center The artificial-intelligence computer will guide doctors at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute on diagnosis and treatment. | From |
Sat Jan 7 2012 | When Reinforcement Fails Enter reinforcement learning a theoretical framework that helps explain how the rewards and punishments of life get translated into effective behavior It ... | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | IBM reveals secrets of Watson's Jeopardy triumph Brown explained that this case showed an occasional problem with the Jeopardy format and machine learning. The category was "US Cities", but that term wasn't mentioned in the clue. | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | US intelligence group seeks Machine Learning breakthroughs Machine Learning technology is found in everything from spam detection programs to intelligent thermostats, but can the technology make a huge leap to handle the exponentially larger amounts of information and advanced applications of the future? | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | Real life HAL 9000 meets Skynet: AI controlled video surveillance Eye in the sky is everywhere, but what if all those cameras were functioning as eyes connected to computers with artificial intelligence that can see, learn and make decisions on what to report in real-time as threats based ... | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | How Search Engines Use Machine Learning for Pattern Detection Search engines use machine learning for pattern detection. While it's impossible to explain in one short article how machine learning influences our lives, understanding the basics of machine learning ... | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | Daniel Kahneman on 'Emergent Weirdness' in Artifical Intelligences In this case, he submitted himself to a group Q&A by the readers of Freakonomics, and someone asked him about Apple's Siri and how artificial intelligence more generally might reflect human cognitive biases. | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | Siri And The Last Mile To Utopia But in addition to leveraging others to find information, it has become very apparent we will now leverage new blends of artificial intelligence and intelligent data systems integrated within our mobile devices to create very personal consumer ... | From |
Sat Dec 3 2011 | European Commission cracks down on Facebook data mining The European Commission is planning to curtail the vast amounts of data that social media goliath Facebook gathers from its users, according to the Telegraph. The site gathers far more information than ... | From |
Sun Nov 13 2011 | European Information Security Agency Warns About Data-profiling Risks The agency has identified cyberbullying and online grooming, which refers to gaining the confidence of minors with the intent of sexual abuse, as some of the top online risks to underage children and warned that data mining and profiling can facilitate ... | From |
Sun Nov 13 2011 | Artificial intelligence joins the fossil hunt Smart software that scans satellite images of potential dig sites could improve palaeontologists' luck at unearthing old bones. | From |
Sun Nov 13 2011 | Artificial Intelligence Took America's Jobs And It's Going To Take A Lot More The scary new dimension is artificial intelligence, which could replace as many as 50 million jobs according to a recent book by software entrepreneur Martin Ford. Because let's face it, Siri or something like Siri has more potential than your ... | From |
Sun Nov 13 2011 | John McCarthy, Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, Dies at 84 Mr. McCarthy, a computer scientist, helped design the foundation of today's Web- based computing and was a top researcher in artificial intelligence, a term he ... | From |
Sun Nov 13 2011 | HP Mines Data To Predict Consumer Behavior Analysts then used standard data-mining and statistical tools to analyze the combined data sets. In one case, social signals predicted support tickets with 90% accuracy. HP also uncovered high correlations between social signals and product sales. | From |
Sun Nov 13 2011 | Siri Is Apple's Post-Jobs Ticket To $1000 Siri is a voice controlled virtual personal assistant that relies on artificial intelligence. Apple has done an excellent job at integrating Siri with other apps on the phone. In our test, Siri works about 50% as well as advertised but it is still a ... | From |
Sun Oct 9 2011 | How Obama's data-crunching prowess may get him re-elected In July,, an online newsite focused on data mining and analytics software, ran an unusual listing in its jobs section. "We are looking for Predictive Modeling/Data Mining Scientists and Analysts, at both the senior and junior ... | From |
Sat Oct 8 2011 | GAO Report: DHS Data Mining Needs Privacy Oversight Data-mining programs at the US Department of Homeland Security are not fully reviewed by the agency for their effectiveness and, in some cases, for their compliance with privacy protection mandates, according to a report from ... | From |
Sat Oct 1 2011 | Datamining can predict heart attack complications A team of researchers have used datamining and machine learning techniques to find subtle changes in electrical activity in the heart that can be used to predict potentially fatal heart attacks. | From |
Wed Sep 28 2011 | The Advent of a Global Intelligence Artificial intelligence is part of our daily lives, and its power is growing. Mr. Milner cited everyday examples like's recommendation of books based on ones we have already read and Google's constantly improving search algorithm. | From |
Wed Sep 28 2011 | Mining Data for Better Medicine The spread of electronic patient records, with their computer-readable entries, is opening new possibilities for medical data mining. Instead of being limited to carefully planned studies on volunteers, scientists can increasingly carry out research ... | From |
Wed Sep 28 2011 | Minds And Machines: The Limits Of Turing-Complete Machines More, much of computer science is still deeply wedded to strong artificial intelligence according to which a sufficiently complex network of logic gates, electronic or bowls of water, will "emerge" into consciousness. However, there is no reason to ... | From |
Wed Sep 28 2011 | What Data Mining Firms Know About You Time writer Joel Stein spent three months learning what data mining companies know about him. After learning everything the companies .... | From |
Sun Sep 18 2011 | Speaking 'robots' can teach English 24-hours a day A Japanese company has developed the world's first artificial intelligence "chat robots" to teach English. ... which appear as male or female manga-style characters - look and make gestures that are identical to that of a ... | From |
Sun Sep 18 2011 | Humans need not fear progress in AI Forget the doomsday scenarios of science fiction writers Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, or the optimism of Marvin Minsky, a founding father of artificial intelligence. Woody Allen turns out to have predicted most accurately the development of robot ... | From |
Sat Sep 10 2011 | Kelley Blue Book taps data analytics tools to improve car valuation Kelley is also using a variety of predictive analytics, data mining and text analytics tools ... to help analyze the data it collects. Much of the analytics used to deliver new and used-car values, targeted advertisements, ... | From |
Sat Sep 10 2011 | A Driving Route Made Just for You The researchers presented their work last week at the 17th Association for Computing Machinery conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in San Diego. The research is based on data from GPS sensors installed in more than 33000 taxicabs in ... | From |
Sat Sep 10 2011 | What Has Technology Fixed Since 9/11? Results seem to be better in the area of "data mining," or sifting through vast databases of information to pull out insights about who might be planning an attack. "There's been a lot of progress over the past 10 years in mining large volumes of ... | From |
Sat Sep 10 2011 | If You Want Job Security, Become A Data Scientist Stanford University's course on data mining is packed: More than 120 students registered last year; when it was first offered five years ago, just 20 signed up. "That shows you the growth and interest in large-scale data mining," says... | From |
Sat Sep 10 2011 | First 'chatbot' conversation ends in argument Artificial intelligence robots have held a conversation with one another for the first time with surprising and surreal results. Two graduate PhD students at Cornell University gave voices and 2D avatars to a pair of online "chatbots", which they named ... | From |
Sat Sep 10 2011 | AI technology could help find water leaks Association Technology devised to help develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the latest computer games could find a use in a completely different field - helping fix leaky water pipes. A group of scientists have developed a system that sees computer software ... | From |
Sat Aug 27 2011 | Big Data: It's About the Data, Not About the Big Smart Today in my local paper there was an article on the 17th annual Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining conference. The gist was about the need for data analytics and how companies are looking for good people that understand that realm. | From |
Sat Aug 27 2011 | 'Smart' CCTV could track rioters Researchers at Kingston University have created a system that uses artificial intelligence to recognise specific types of behaviour, such as someone holding a gun. The technology is capable of following a person across multiple cameras. | From |
Sat Aug 27 2011 | Comment: HFT debate needs more integrity The point he was making was that spurious correlations and data mining can be used to prove almost anything that an author or sponsor may see fit. The case springs to mind amid a noticeable rise in the debate over the value of high frequency trading ... | From |
Sun Aug 21 2011 | Internet databases reveal new uses for old drugs "This shows that simple, elegant ideas really can come through," says Nicholas Tatonetti, also at Stanford, who has used data mining to find combinations of drugs with dangerous side effects. "Researchers will be saying to ... | From |
Sun Aug 21 2011 | Non-human DJ gets radio gig The DJ is an artificial intelligence program called Denise, who was built by Guile 3D Studio to serve as a virtual assistant to answer phone calls, check email, conduct Web searches and make appointments, among other tasks. Dominique Garcia, a radio ... | From |
Sun Aug 14 2011 | When Social Media Mining Gets It Wrong A complex picture of your personal life can now be pieced together using a variety of public data sources, and increasingly sophisticated data-mining techniques. But just how accurate is that picture? Last week in Las Vegas, ... | From |
Sun Aug 14 2011 | Using Genetic Algorithms To Forecast Financial Markets Genetic algorithms (GAs) are problem solving methods (or heuristics) that mimic the process of natural evolution. Unlike artificial neural networks (ANNs), ... | From |
Sun Aug 14 2011 | Data mining given the go ahead in UK Data mining, the process of analysing data for trends and patterns, has now been made exempt from UK copyright laws. The change is part of the government's plans to modernize the UK's intellectual property laws, and is based on the recommendations made ... | From |
Mon Jul 18 2011 | The NSA Is Building An Artificial Intelligence System That Can Read Minds The system can answer the question, 'What does X think about Y?'" These are the words of an unnamed researcher who discussed an amazing artificial intelligence system she was building at the NSA. It sounds like something right out of science fiction ... | From |
Mon Jul 4 2011 | Filtering Profits To achieve the next step in efficiency it's necessary to build data mining, machine learning, optimization algorithms for every business. | From |
Fri Jun 24 2011 | Drug Prescription Data Mining Cleared By Supreme Court The Supreme Court handed pharmaceutical companies and data mining firms a victory on Thursday when it struck down a Vermont law that banned the use of prescription information collected by pharmacies for marketing | From |
Fri Jun 24 2011 | Nevada Legislation Paves Way for Google's Self-Driving Robo Cars As of last week, Nevada passed a bill that would require the Department of Motor Vehicles to set out guidelines for "autonomous vehicles" that use artificial intelligence to navigate roadways. The internet search giant has been testing driver-less cars ... | From |
Fri Jun 24 2011 | From Building Minebots to Digging for Dirty Money Then a robotics PhD student at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada, he used artificial intelligence to interpret the vast data streaming from the robots' sensors, which measured the distance of objects in every direction a thousand times a | From |
Fri Jun 24 2011 | Court Strikes Down Limits on Data Mining of Drug Records It said data-mining companies can't sell the prescription information for marketing purposes, and drug makers can't use it, unless the prescribing doctor consents. Vermont lawmakers said the measure would protect the privacy of doctors and patients and ... | From |
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This is my little news-ticker for news in machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining. It is generated for your and my own convenience in a semi-automated fashion from various sources that I check with search engines and is updated (somewhat) frequently. If you find any problems, or if I missed out on something really interesting, send me an email. My comments are in italics.
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